Reconnection to the natural world is fundamental to human health, well-being, spirit, and survival.
-Richard Louv
We’re the Garcia Family
Teacher + Small Business Advisor
Lauren and Juan met at Washington State University back in 2009, and have been together ever since. After graduating they moved to Seattle, and eventually opened their own food truck/stand selling gourmet tamales, all while Lauren went through grad school to become a public school teacher. After 9 years in the big city and the birth of baby Leo, they decided to move back to the Palouse. Juan now does non-profit work helping local entrepreneurs start businesses, and Lauren is a full-time Mama to two wild boys while teaching pre-service teachers part-time at the University level. Lauren has a lot of ideas- Juan helps her figure out how to make them work.
Journey into Nature Advocacy
I was lucky enough to have one of those childhoods that many in my parent’s generation (boomers) talk about. Running/biking around the neighborhood, playing with other kids, playing in the dirt, exploring in the woods, and not coming inside until dinner time. It was definitely a simpler time in the 90’s and early 2000’s with less screens, and generally calmer weather.
When I grew up and became a teacher, it broke my heart over and over to hear kids’ entire weekends being spent in front of the TV, iPad, or computer. I’d ask if they played outside and many would say there’s nothing to do outside at their house.
After the birth of my babies and needing to step away from public education, I started getting more involved in the research behind outdoor learning, and benefits for kids in spending much of their time outdoors.
I learned SO much, and just want to share it all with you so all of our children can have happy, healthy, brain boosting childhoods!